Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are words that have become a core part of the modern workplace – but many struggle to understand the true meaning behind them. DEI helps to create an environment that is equitable and inclusive for everyone. We are living in a time where respect and civility are essential to having healthy communities and workplace cultures. This can only be achieved by understanding the importance of approaching solutions with not only our heads, but also our hearts. At the Equity Alliance Group, heart centered means approaching DEI with empathy, compassion, and a willingness to listen to and respect others’ experiences. It means recognizing that DEI issues are not just abstract concepts, but they affect the lives of real people.
To begin, let’s review the definition of these terms. Diversity can be defined as the presence of individuals belonging to different backgrounds and identities. Equity is the fair treatment of all individuals regardless of their differences. Inclusion is the active engagement of diverse individuals in the decision-making process and the fostering of a sense of belonging.
Now that we have a shared understanding of these terms, we can focus on how to approach them in a heart-centered way. At its root, having a heart-centered approach towards DEI is about empathy and respect for everyone involved – regardless of their background or beliefs. In a workplace, this could mean creating programs or initiatives specifically designed to support equal opportunity for marginalized groups, or taking an objective look at existing policies and processes for any potential bias or unfairness. In our communities this could mean providing training to police department personnel, school administrators, or elected officials that equips them with the tools to identify, interrupt, and mitigate their own bias.
Creating a safe environment where everyone feels they belong is essential when it comes to a heart centered approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. To make sure this happens, employers should strive to foster an atmosphere of openness and shared understanding among employees – allowing those with different beliefs to express their thoughts without fear of judgment or retribution. Having a heart-centered approach allows for meaningful change within an organization; one which goes beyond token gestures and superficial efforts towards creating an inclusive workplace culture . By taking this approach, companies will be able to foster work cultures where differences are celebrated rather than feared.
The Equity Alliance Group believes that when we come together and commit to creating meaningful change, we can make a real difference in our workplaces, our communities, and the world. Let EAG support your DEI efforts!

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