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EAG’s DEI Resources offers a collection of thought leadership articles and free downloads designed to help individuals and organizations cultivate a more understanding and inclusive worldview. Access expert perspectives, best practices, and valuable tools to empower your DEI journey!

5 Practical Ways To Enhance Emotional Intelligence

Practice Active Listening: Focus on understanding the speaker’s emotions and perspective without interrupting or imposing your own thoughts. This helps build trust and fosters a greater sense of empathy…

5 Things Everyone Can Do To Promote Diversity in the Workplace

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential for any business. This not only helps foster respect and understanding between employees, but also leads to increased creativity, innovation, productivity, and overall success…

The Equity Alliance Group’s Reading Suggestions

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson – This book examines how systems of caste and hierarchy have shaped American society. It’s a reexamination of what lies under the surface of ordinary lives and of American life today…

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